• Actualidad

REM Master’s - Selection Committee Meeting

During the meeting of the Erasmus Mundus REM (Renewable Energies in the Marine Environment) Joint Master's Degree Selection Committee, which took place on 4 April, at the Faculty of Engineering, Bilbao, Building II, Room P1M11, the applicants (more than 900) for the second year (2019-2021) were evaluated in order to select the candidates for a total of 17 scholarships offered by the EU. Representatives of the 4 universities of the REM Consortium: UPV/EHU (Spain), Strathclyde (UK), NTNU (Norway) and École Centrale Nantes (France) spent the whole day working together.


Some authorities from the UPV/EHU and Euskampus, attended for a few minutes to express their support and exchange views with the attendees respectively.

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