• Newskampus

Martxoak 8 Marzo

8 March International Women’s Day, "let us stand with Ukrainian women and girls"

“Ahead of International Women’s Day, my sympathy and profound solidarity go to Ukrainian women and girls who are caught up in a war waged with total disregard for human life and dignity. I pay my deepest respects to those of them who have been killed, and my thoughts are with those who have been injured”. Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović.

Let us think of all the Ukrainian girls, women, students, researchers... who will undoubtedly see their dreams cut short for we don't know how long. Today, March 8, we are launching a Newskampus with two priorities: the situation in Ukraine and its women, and the celebration of this day in our direct environment. Stay tuned.

L'université de Bordeaux solidaire du peuple ukrainien.

Message du président sur la situation en Ukraine. L’université de Bordeaux adresse ses pensées solidaires au peuple ukrainien et son soutien à toutes les personnes, universitaires et étudiants, dont la vie, l'activité scientifique, les projets d'études sont aujourd'hui mis en péril par le conflit armé. En savoir plus.

Comunicado de CRUE, COSCE y FACME ante la invasión rusa de Ucrania.

CRUE Universidades españolas junto con COSCE y FACME consideran la agresión rusa como un ataque a los valores de la libertad y la democracia, fundamentos de la libertad en la investigación y de las oportunidades de cooperación académica internacional. Leer más.

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