2017 has just arrived, and with it, the good news. And it is not for less because it turns out that the third Bordeaux-Euskampus Euro-regional Symposium will be held on 26th and 27th June in Bordeaux. During 2016, collaboration between the UPV/EHU and Bordeaux University has made good progress. The Euskampus-Bordeaux Symposium is an event that helps to structure and consolidate the collaboration between both academic institutions and their communities of partners, as well as the social agents and organisations whose projects and activities are key in the Aquitaine-Basque Country Euro-region knowledge triangle.
Save the date!!!!
2017. urtea heldu da eta berri onak ekarri ditu. Hirugarren Bordeaux-Euskampus simposioaren ekitaldia izango da ekainaren 26 eta 27anBordelen. 2016. urtean nabarmen aurreratu da UPV/EHUren eta Bordeleko Unibertsitatearen arteko elkarlanetan. Bordeaux-Euskampus Sinposioaren ekitaldia oso baliagarria da bi erakundeen arteko elkarlana eta horietako bazkide komunitateen artekoa zein beste eragile sozial eta antolakundeen artekoa egituratu eta sendotzeko. Horien proiektuak eta jarduerak oso garrantzitsuak baitira Akitania-Euskadi Euroeskualdearen ezagutza triangeluan.