In the Water Sports Center, Hendaye, on January 18th, 2019, the first International Workshop Innovation Ocean i3, organized by the University of Bordeaux and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU; a project within the framework of Campus Ocean, in its cross-borders location.
The main goal is to develop a pedagogical experimentation based on the collaboration between students and teachers from both universities. Research Based Learning and Mission Oriented focuses are being used as well as a promoting a solid rooting in the cross-borders scenario in a Civic University code.
Agents from both universities, representing different disciplines such as Nursing and Health Studies, Law, Pedagogy or Engineering gather to debate over the route-map for 2019. With the focus: "Complex problems need multidisciplinary approaches", in this third edition will face the global problem: the sea pollution due to plastics and micro-plastics. A multilingual and multidisciplinary encounter.
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