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EHU Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2024

The 10th annual meeting of the Euskampus cross-border community will be held in Bordeaux (Domaine du Haut Carré, Talence) on 14th and 15th October 2024


The EHU Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna is the annual meeting to share, raise awareness and highlight the projects and collaborations developed within the framework of this strategic alliance between the UPV/EHU, the University of Bordeaux, the DIPC and Tecnalia, which is extended to all its collaborating entities. This 10th edition will look back at the road travelled in research, training, territorial commitment, internationalisation, sharing, among other things, a retrospective of the people and projects that have marked this period, while looking forward by focusing on the programmes and projects underway and their expected evolution.

Over these two days, this year’s EHU Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2024 will also feature time and spaces for meetings of varied formats and themes, which will be spontaneous or planned in advance by those interested and will enable them to interact and continue weaving collaborative networks. Once again, this emblematic annual meeting will include the active participation of students (undergraduate, Master's and PhD students) and representatives of non-university bodies from the Basque Country and New Aquitaine involved in cross-border dynamics.

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