Agenda europea, COVID y futuro de las universidades europeas: desde una visión regional y transfronteriza y europea
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European Agenda, COVID and the future of European universities: from a European, cross-border and regional approach

In 2020, the year that marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration and as the President of the European Commission recalled in her speech for Europe Day on 9 May, “We are at a time of fragility for Europe and we need to be bolder when facing those challenges. Across our continent, more than 100,000 have died because of the coronavirus in the last months. Hundreds of millions have faced unprecedented restrictions in their daily lives to help contain the spread of the virus... Only a strong European Union can protect our citizens, our common heritage and the economies of our member states”. Now more than even the European Union’s motto “united in diversity” can be combined with “united in adversity”.

In 2020, the year that marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration and as the President of the European Commission recalled in her speech for Europe Day on 9 May, “We are at a time of fragility for Europe and we need to be bolder when facing those challenges. Across our continent, more than 100,000 have died because of the coronavirus in the last months. Hundreds of millions have faced unprecedented restrictions in their daily lives to help contain the spread of the virus... Only a strong European Union can protect our citizens, our common heritage and the economies of our member states”. Now more than even the European Union’s motto “united in diversity” can be combined with “united in adversity”.

The pandemic has directly struck education and the European educational model with the closure of education and training institutions in most EU states. Classrooms and educational centres have gone online, meaning that universities/academic staff/researchers/managers and university staff have had to rebrand themselves in the short and long term and students have needed to adapt to the digital model. Digital education in the European Union was already happening on a very limited basis, but the sudden need created by the crisis has forced universities to take an unexpected leap into the digital world. This has often meant overcoming many constraints in order to keep the virtual platforms active in a very short space of time.

The digital educational model itself and the new skills/specialisations are gaining in strengthen and putting the traditional European mobility model, driven through the projects and initiatives in the Erasmus and Horizon Europe Programmes, as well as by the educational “credits” and scales, dual education, etc., on the backburner to a certain extent. As Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Education, Innovation and Research, has pointed out, this opportunity needs to be harnessed, despite the challenges, to analyse in greater depth the importance and intrinsic value of the digital teaching models and assess the resulting experiences to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Further investment and research are needed into good practices in the virtual teaching models, as putting teachers in front of a camera is not sufficient to provide quality teaching online.

Universities have a truly central role to play in the development of innovative creative solutions for many of the global and social challenges we are facing today as a society, along with those of the current international and European agenda (Sustainable Development Goals) and context, to deal with COVID-19 and its short- and long-term consequences.

Paying attention to the international and European agendas is fundamental, along with closely following the role that education and research are going to have in current EU strategic lines with regard to the European Green Deal and the European Digital Agenda.



European Agenda, COVID and the future of European universities: from a European, cross-border and regional approach

Different experts and the European institutions themselves are clear: we need to consider which type of skills, experience or expertise people would need to be able to effectively tackle those global challenges. As part of that reflection and proposal process, the European Commission is fostering dialogue with different European university networks, but always building on the work already done and key initiatives such as the “European Universities” (alliances of European universities, which the Basque universities have applied to join), along with the projects in the Erasmus Programme or even the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degrees with Basque involvement.

In that dialectic and new narrative for the future of European education and education for the future of Europe, the European Union is now more than even advocating dialogue between the educational family and the economic and social stakeholders of the geographical and regional ecosystem, and even prioritising Euroregion/cross-border cooperation, to find a joint response to social challenges. The necessary excellence and prestige of the European education laid down in the forthcoming EU Skills Agenda and the current Smart Specialisation Strategy is not incompatible with the so-called quadruple helix or with the European university-company strategy, where the Basque Country is an outstanding European partner. On the other hand, the interdisciplinary work on challenge-based approaches, without ignoring specialisation, would be a model to follow in order to train and develop future professionals with educational experience. That would include cooperation between economic and social sectors to contribute sustainable solutions and in collaboration with other international and European universities.

Aligning with the global challenge goals requires new work approaches. Cooperation and innovation in teaching methods, collaboration and the creation of a pro-active and multidisciplinary learning environment will be key points to adapt to future demands.

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